Sue Knits

Adventures in knitting and other things

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Evil Yarn

The scarf is a little longer. I'm liking the pattern - after the rough start, it seems to be going well and I've gotten better at keeping track of where I am. There is one mistake I've found that will probably show up more after blocking, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with it.

I cannot, however, say the same for the yarn. My knitting efforts last night were seriously hampered by the fact that instead of the usual two, my skein of yarn turns out to have 14 ends!! Under its normal skein facade, it really looked like this:

If you're thinking "wow she doesn't really know how to wind yarn, does she?" you're absolutely right. I did my best to follow these instructions, but mine don't look as cool as the example - they look like little red mice haha! They do pull from the middle and not tangle, though, so whatever.

I'm also concerned about having enough yarn (even in pieces) for a decent-sized scarf. A scarf a little on the short side is one thing, but one that won't go all the way around one's neck with enough to tie is another. I bought this yarn a really long time ago, too. I guess I'll start carrying around one of the little mice and the label (which, miraculously, I still have) and see what I can do. If I can't find a decent match maybe I'll make it into a bag or something. Although I'm not sure about that, it's not the sturdiest yarn ever. Any ideas? I so don't want to rip it out now!!


Blogger knitnzu said...

What kind of yarn is it? If you got it from Libby you should take it back...14 ends is just WAY too many!

8:24 PM  

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